For Graduates as
they begin their career.

The GISCI PreGISP Exam is a new development in the geospatial profession. The exam is:

  • software-agnostic,
  • based on learning outcomes of syllabi of GIS&T courses in the United States,
  • informed by the GIS&T and EO4GEO Bodies of Knowledge

Ready to take the first step in starting your geospatial career?


PreGISP Exam Blueprint

11 Knowledge Areas
Blueprint Weight
Analytical Methods and GeoComputation 18%
Cartography & Visualization 10%
Conceptual Foundations 14%
Data Modeling 12%
Geospatial Data 11%
GIS & Society 3%
Organizational & Institutional Aspects 7%
Design of Systems 8%
Remote Sensing 10%
Thematic Application Domains 5%
Web-based GIS 2%


Reference Materials for PreGISP Exam