Auburn Alabama is the Newest GISCI Endorsing Employer
Des Plaines, IL (December 20, 2023)
The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) is pleased to announce the City of Auburn, Alabama as the newest GISCI-designated Endorsing Employer. The City of Auburn, home of Auburn University, is one of the fastest growing municipalities in the State of Alabama (43% growth between last censuses). From significant development in Auburn’s industrial sector to expanding commercial, recreational, and educational opportunities, Auburn has developed into a community of almost 80,000 people who love and live in Auburn. While Auburn has grown in both population and amenities, the Auburn family remains a tight-knit community with hospitality at its core.
To meet the needs of this passionate community, innovative and thoughtful professionals are required.
Structured to do just that, Information Technology’s GIS department facilitates geospatial collaboration across the organization, with the community, and amongst our neighbors. As a lighthouse in the GIS
community a dedication to professional quality and standards allows staff to perform at their best.
Resources such as GISCI’s GISP allow staff to demonstrate that professionalism.
“Over the decades the GISP has established itself as the clear certification to demonstrate exceptionalism in GIS. Not just in technical ability but in integrity and professionalism. It is a milestone we pursue when recruiting as well as developing our team. Having a team who reflect the values of our community (the citizens we serve) allows us to meet their expectations. As a highly educated community that is growing extremely fast it takes a special kind of servant leader to deliver on their expectations. The GISP becomes an essential tool I rely on to build a team who rises to meet those challenges.”
– Christopher P. Graff, GISP, Deputy Chief Information Officer.
The GISCI appreciates Auburn’s support of their employees and the GISP program.
The GIS Certification Institute created the GISCI Endorsing Employer Designation Program to help increase the value of GISP® Certification for our primary stakeholders and help facilitate the growth of the GISP Program within the geospatial community. The GISCI will grant the GISCI Endorsing Employer Designation to organizations that meet the criteria established by the GISCI as supportive of GIS Professionals and the GISP Certification process by way of internal activities, programs, and policies. The designation is not only a commitment to GISP Certification for staff, but also to uphold the ideals of the GIS Certification Institute.
The GISCI Endorsing Employer Designation is available to all organizations (public, private/commercial) apart from GISCI member organizations. Organizations seeking the designation must submit a formal application listing the criteria met as verified by the organization’s HR representative. A review committee will evaluate each application and if the organization meets the criteria, the committee will forward the application to the GISCI Board of Directors for approval. Each approved GISCI Endorsing Employer will last for three (3) years, provide the organization with permission to display their organization logo on our website, and provide permission to display the GISCI Endorsing Employer designation on their website. There is no cost to obtain this designation. A list of GISCI Endorsing Organizations can be found on the GISCI website at:
About GISCI The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) is a non-profit organization that promotes the advancement of proficient GIS professionals through its international GISP® (Certified GIS Professional) certification program. The Institute fosters rigorous professional and ethical standards, community engagement, and professional mentoring within the GIS industry. GISCI’s member organizations include the American Association of Geographers (AAG), National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC), University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS), and the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA).
More information about the GISCI is available at and about City of Auburn Alabama at
Contact Info:
GISCI City of Auburn, AL
Tony Spicci, GISP CGMP Christopher P. Graff, GISP
Executive Director – GIS Certification Institute Deputy Chief Information Officer
847.824.7768 334.501.7207